Sesseley, Vernon, Paula I am very proud to announce that I have received an ArtsinStark grant to continue photographing and gathering stories that shed light on hunger and homelessness in our community. This will result in an exhibit sometime in 2015.
This fall (2014) I worked with the Stark County Medical Auxiliary to photograph patrons at Canton Calvary Mission, Family Living Center, Hope Outreach Ministries, and Refuge of Hope as part of a fundraiser for the organizations. I realized that many of these organizations have no real funds to have photographs taken of the events they hold, the work they do, or the people they serve, to share with the general public or their funders. I want to help them to document their good work so they can share it with potential donors, volunteers, and supporters.
I find that many people I talk to have prejudices and misunderstandings about the homeless and the hungry. Most think that these people must be lazy. But that is just not true. I spoke with a single mother with 3 teenage boys who has two jobs, but feeding 3 boys is expensive. She uses Refuge of Hope to supplement the meals she purchases. Clearly she is not lazy. Stories like this can help to educate the public to understand the problems within our community and how they can help. Seeing these organizations in action, I was touched by the good work they do. The stories I heard were incredible. Sesseley said "I worked hard at a factory job and raised kids. But I was injured. At first I was ashamed to come here, but it’s a blessing. I thank the lord."
To read more about ArtsinStark grants for 2015, click here:
Click on the photos to read more about the stories these amazing people shared.